by Admin | Sep 24, 2019 | News, Resources
The transpiration of groundwater resources is a fundamental aspect to be considered in hydrological modelling, in order to obtain an accurate representation of the availability of water resources in a watershed and to improve our knowledge of the hydrological cycle....
by Admin | Sep 24, 2019 | News, Resources
Sustainable forest management enhances soil conservation and increases the availability of groundwaters of forests located in semi-arid regions. This is one of the main conclusuions of the article Effectiveness of water-oriented thinning in two semiarid forests: The...
by Admin | Sep 23, 2019 | News, Resources
The special report on Climate Change and Land released last August by the IPCC confirms that land plays an important role in the climate system and keeping global warming to well below 2ºC can be achieved only by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors,...
by Admin | Jul 11, 2019 | Media, News, Resources
Resilient Forests is developing a decision support tool to introduce climate change adaptation strategies in forest management across Europe, considering the different forest ecosystem services and goods. To achieve this, the project partners are working to integrate...
by Admin | Jun 25, 2019 | News, Uncategorized
The project officer visited the experimental trials as well as the biomass plant in Serra. On June the 12th LIFE RESILIENT FORESTS received the visit of the project monitoring officer, Cristóbal Ginés, aimed at sharing the first results in order to ensure the smooth...
by Admin | Jun 18, 2019 | Event, News, Uncategorized
“Es necesario mirar el agua como un producto forestal ya que modula la producción de alimentos y biomasa, regula la humedad del suelo hidratando la planta y por tanto, mejora la prevención de incendios”. Esta fue unas de las principales...